Cornelius A. Hofman
312-922-8001 x 102
MBA, Economics & Finance, University of Chicago
MA, Japanese Studies, University of Pennsylvania
BA, Asian Studies, Cornell University
Cornelius Hofman specializes in labor economics, crop valuation, and small business finance. Mr. Hofman is retained regularly by both plaintiff and defense counsel as an expert regarding economic damages, and he has testified more than one hundred times in state and federal litigation across the United States.
Mr. Hofman has extensive experience in labor economics and has conducted wage loss analyses for children, students, stay-at-home parents, and workers employed in numerous industries. He has testified as an expert witness regarding economic damages in wage loss cases involving claims associated with construction injuries, aviation disasters, medical malpractice, personal injuries, age and gender discrimination, constructive discharge, retaliatory discharge, and breach of contract.
Mr. Hofman is also recognized as a premier expert in crop valuation. He has extensive experience valuing crop loss claims associated with lender liability, chemical drift, product liability, off-label chemical applications, herbicide misapplication, and breach of contract.
Mr. Hofman has personally transacted multiple small business public offerings and reverse mergers and acquisitions. Joining finance theory with practical business experience, Mr. Hofman offers the unique ability both to quantify and to explain the actual value of small business transactions.